"Fanning the Flames of Spiritual Growth"

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Now booking for 2025!

Call 423-895-2847 or email to schedule a date at your church or event

Evangelist Dennis Deese is a man of God and has been preaching for 42 years with integrity. He pastored four Churches over the span of twenty-four years (with each church doubling in growth during his tenure) and served his last church as senior pastor for 15 years. That church averaged 40 baptisms per year for 15 years and in excess of 20 preachers called into ministry.

He entered full-time Evangelism and Church Leadership Training in January 2008.  He specializes in helping and encouraging pastors. He provides many Fan the Flame Ministry variables for church related ministries some of which include: Fan the Flame Church Growth Impact weekends with Usher/Greeter Training, Bible Teacher Training, Men's Conference Meetings (one day or two events), Lay and Staff Leadership Training, Deacon/Elder Training and Church Wide Revival Meetings (One day or one week). Furthermore, he will design and tailor make and adapt a Fan the Flame event for you to meet the needs of your congregation.

You will not have to worry about being disappointed or embarrassed.  His service as a pastor for 24 years has provided insight and guidance in what a pastor is looking for and what he needs in ministry. You will be blessed and greatly encouraged during his time with you and for years to follow. He wants to help you. Don't take our word for it only, call any pastor on our recent events page and ask them their opinion. We are here to serve you as a life-long friend, mentor and resource person.

If you invite EVANGELIST Dennis Deese, What can you expect?:

Please know this first and foremost - Jesus Christ will be presented as the only way to heaven;  moreover, Dr. Deese will treat you the way he would want to be treated. That is, with the most gracious respect and loyalty at your church, business or event.  Consider (on our recent events page) the vast number of return invitations.  We are not here to be with you once but a life-time of positive real life-changing help. We want your return invitations and your recommendations and we plan to earn it.

Have you ever longed for exponential growth & positive change in your church, for days and weeks after you have a visiting Evangelist?  Do you desire not only for your church to benefit but for you as the Pastor to be honored and respected?  Also, to be cared for and listened to? Or even desire one-on-one personal help even after the meetings are over? Then you'll find this and more with Dr. Dennis Deese - he's a pastor and friend to pastors.

In fact, you will experience personal encouragement along with your congregation, from a man of God who is faithful to the Word of God!  And; a man of God desirous to sincerely help you ... and to leave positive, lasting results.


The following information is provided for your convenience based upon the most asked questions we receive and our ministry preferences and what most pastors do for us.  If you have any questions, please give us a call (423-895-2847).

Travel Reimbursement information: For 2025, the current standard mileage reimbursement is 70 cents per mile allowed by I.R.S. (effective January 2025).   if your church or ministry is unable to provide this, we understand and will be more than glad to come without reimbursement for expenses.

Financial information: We are here to serve you, make things better for you and not be a burden to you.  Basically, all we ask is for you to do your best. The Lord will meet the needs of this ministry. We recommend receiving love offerings at the conclusion of each service, designated to Fan the Flame Ministries, as this provides opportunities for everybody (guests and the church family)to give as they are led of the Holy Spirit. Often, brother Dennis will have his ministry supporters attend the meetings and welcome the opportunity to support his evangelistic work.

Meals:  Due to health reasons, Dr. Deese is unable to eat prior to preaching. Please don't let this be a hindrance to planned church wide meals etc. His meals are eaten after church services.

Hotels: Fan the Flame Ministries will book the hotel room. If your church or orgination would like to reimburse the ministry, we will provide a receipt for the amount we paid. 

Due to our ministry integrity commitment, Dr. Deese is unable stay in a home.

What do we do?: 

We provide practical encouragement, insight and help for pastors, laymen, churches and Christian business owners and their businesses to achieve their God-given assignment. We are on your team. We want you to be successful because God has called you to an eternal assignment. We are here to help you solve your problems, determine your goals and reach those goals.  In addition to our revival meetings, we can provide one of our workshops including our:  Fan the Flame Men's Conference (The Spiritual Man), Faith-Builders Boot Camp,  Innovative Leaders Workshop (Leadership 101 - Unlock your Leadership Potential), plus The DD Church-Growth Summit, and the Fan the Flame Impact conference.

Brief Information About Evangelist Dennis Deese (MORE BELOW):

Dennis and Teri were Saved May 31, 1982 (led to Jesus Christ by the late Dr. Hal Fletcher, Jr.)

Married to his teenage sweetheart Teri for 47 years

They have four adult children

Resides in Piney Flats, TN (Northeast, TN)

Vocational Itinerant Evangelist (Revivalist) since January 2008 -

42 years of Christian ministry

Founder, President and speaker of Fan The Flame Ministries (birthed out of a 40 day fast)

Founder, President and speaker of Dennis Deese Ministries, Inc (the parent company)

Pastored 24 years (four churches) with his last church over the span of 15 years and an average of 40 baptisms per year

Pastor in FL, AL, GA & TN (24 years)

Hometown: Live Oak, FL

Served as President of Tennessee Baptist Pastors Conference 2001

Served as Vice President of Tennessee Baptist Pastors Conference 2000

He's been widely used in helping pastors who have faced forced termination get back on their feet and in the restoration of those who have fallen

Author of the Book, "Why I Can't Quit" (Why You Shouldn't Either)

Author of the Gospel Tract, "Do You Know The Way to Heaven?"
Author of the Book, "Fan the Flame" (12 Passions to be passionate about)

Speaker:  Tennessee Baptist Pastors Conference in 2001 and 2004

Speaker:  Liberty University

Speaker:  Fruitland Bible Institute

Speaker:  The Baptist College of  Florida

Speaker:  Clear Creek Bible College

Speaker:  Stephen Olford Center

Speaker:  Many Associational Meetings across the Southeast

Speaker:  Revive the Passion of Preaching Conference

Speaker:  Rick Coram Adult Power Life Conference

Leadership Trainer for Churches and Ministries

Men's conference Speaker Ridgecrest Conference Center & Stephen Olford Center

Taught many men's conferences

Deacon retreats Ridgecrest Conference Center

Mission trips to Hyderabad, India and Maracaibo City, Venezuela, South America

Home Church: Mountain View Baptist Church, Johnson City, TN

Primary ministry mentors: Dr. Hal Fletcher, Jr. (deceased) & Dr. Herb Reavis, Jr.

Had the laying on of hands for the anointing by the late Evangelist J. Harold Smith, the late W.H. Gray and the late Hal Fletcher, Jr.


We stand at the threshold of one of the greatest opportunities for revival ever.  The current pressures and issues that many are experiencing are actually helping people realize their need for the Lord. God wants to be wanted and we can lead people to the only one who can save them and be their refuge - The Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God - Jesus still reigns! Habakkuk 3:2  LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known;  in wrath remember mercy.

About this ministry:

Dennis Deese Ministries, Inc. & Fan The Flame Ministries is the revivalist/evangelistic ministry of Dr. Dennis Deese.  This ministry is governed by 7 member board of directors of godly men and women. The board includes 2 pastors, laymen and business men.  This ministry is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt (thus tax deductible) organization. Dr. Deese has been preaching for 42 years.  He served as a pastor 24 years which included four Churches.  In January 2008, he began his new call as an itinerant evangelist.  His primary ministry is teaching and preaching to encourage people to achieve their God-given potential.


He's blessed to have his lovely wife Teri and they've been married 46 years.  Their hometown is Live Oak, Florida and West Palm Beach, Florida. He graduated from the Baptist College of Florida (Graceville, FL) with a B.TH. (major: God) and the Southern Baptist School for Biblical Studies of Jacksonville, Florida (external courses) with M.Min. (major: Bible) and D.Min. (major: Church Growth) He's served as pastor of four Churches (in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee) with his last pastorate of nearly 15 years with an average of more than 40 baptisms per year and the construction of a 1.6 million dollar building project.  He served as both Vice-President (2000) and President (2001) of the Tennessee Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.  In addition, he was guest speaker at the 1999 and 2004 T.B.C. Pastors Conference.  He is Founder and President of "Dennis Deese Ministries, Inc." and "Fan The Flame Ministries" (birthed out of a 40-day fast) and serves the Lord as a vocational traveling evangelist and conference speaker/trainer.

Pictures for media: